Saturday, November 20, 2010

does facebook ruin marriages?

I know that all of you don't get the same paper I do. This morning though I was just in awe of the article on the Faith & Ethics page. A Pastor in N.J. is encouraging all of his married congregate to cancel their Facebook account. He has also told the 50 or so married church officials to either delete their accounts or step down from their positions. This pastor claims that he is currently councilling 20 couples experiencing marriage troubles because of Facebook.
I personally see no harm in having a Facebook account. And I will not be deleting my account.
I believe this Pastor has a greater problem than Facebook happening in his church. Apparently the people of his church are having a problem with faithfulness. They are not staying faithful to their spouse, therefore (how's that for using a bible term) they are not being faithful to God. Instead, of preaching against Facebook he needs to be shepherding them and teaching them to live a life that pleases the Father.
Facebook doesn't cause infidelity. Not living a life in search of righteousness with God leads to infidelity.
What's your opinion, will you cancel your Facebook account or will you begin living a life pleasing to Your Father in Heaven?
By the way, anyone what to friend me please do so.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The count is on- in less than 24 hours a new president will have been sworn in. Before him came forty-three other men, all known for what they did or didn’t do while occupying the office. As of today, all I am hearing about is the history being made by the swearing in of the first black president. In four years is that how he will still be known?
How long before Obama becomes known as “the American President?” How long before he is know for what he does or does not do while in the office of the President instead of his skin color?
A true leader leads. Not by color, race or sex but by looking out for those who are following. When it is time for people to write my epilog I hope that it will tell what I have accomplished for God while living on this earth not just a catalog of physical qualities.
What do you think?

Women's Retreat

I hope that you are planning on attending the Father's House women's retreat this year. I would like to have a cottage of just Women Of God's Word women. Would you like to join me?

Friday, December 26, 2008

day after

It's the day after Christmas. Did you remember in all the presents and feasting that it was the rememberance of Jesus birth?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Make God laugh

Hey Folks, do you know how to make God laugh?

Tell him your plans.

Okay, it's not my joke. But it sure was timely. About two months ago Darren started talking about taking over my "office." Every time he started to talk about it something came up. Then last week he actually started to move his computer up here.

Well, he is now sharing the room with me. But it is not according to his plans. Instead it works out well for both of us. But that and the joke was a reminder that we can make plans all we want. But God's plans always work out.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

first gift

Here it is Wednesday. Two week before we celebrate the birth of Jesus. And I am teaching in my bible studies about the symbols of Christmas. One of the things I discovered in my research that surprised me the most was the meaning of the word "Host."

I always thought that the "Heavenly Host," the "Angelic Host," or what-ever you call the vast amount of Angels who appeared to the shepherds was just a vast choir. The Angelic Singers. But they weren't. The word "host" in the orignal language means -an army, a band of soliders. That Angelic choir was dressed in full battle gear. They didn't just sing "Glory to God" and then return to the heavenlies.

When they disappeared from the view of the shepherds they began to battle. After learning the meaning of the word "Host" I now picture those Angels going before the shepherds on the way to Bethlehem protecting them. There was a great battle going on that night in the hills of Judea.

And there is a great battle going on today in the hills of Vacaville. Are we just singing a pretty little holiday tune, or are we ready to battle the enemy and show the Christ child to anyone who is willing to look for him?

Saturday, December 6, 2008


“The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy.”
Psalm 126:3 Psalm 126 is one of the psalms of ascents. They were sung as the people as they ascended on the temple in Jerusalem. They are calls to worship. Remembrances of what the Lord has done, pleas for the Lord to again intercede.

As I read this verse today, I began to remember some of the great things the Lord has done for my family. He has given us a home. Everyone, but me, has employment. We have food available at meal time. We are healthy. We have clothes to wear. Our children all know the Lord and love him. A beautiful granddaughter, who truly is an Angel. And now a new baby on the way. Yes, God has done great things for us. The Hebrew word “joy” also means to be glad, to make merry, to be merry-hearted, and to rejoice.
You want joy in your world? Think on what the Lord has done for you.

Help me to make a list. Not of those who are naughty or nice. Not of those you must buy gifts for. But a list of great things the Lord has done for you. If you do, you will find that you are filled with joy.

You can message me back with what you would like to add to the list and see what others have added.