Saturday, November 20, 2010

does facebook ruin marriages?

I know that all of you don't get the same paper I do. This morning though I was just in awe of the article on the Faith & Ethics page. A Pastor in N.J. is encouraging all of his married congregate to cancel their Facebook account. He has also told the 50 or so married church officials to either delete their accounts or step down from their positions. This pastor claims that he is currently councilling 20 couples experiencing marriage troubles because of Facebook.
I personally see no harm in having a Facebook account. And I will not be deleting my account.
I believe this Pastor has a greater problem than Facebook happening in his church. Apparently the people of his church are having a problem with faithfulness. They are not staying faithful to their spouse, therefore (how's that for using a bible term) they are not being faithful to God. Instead, of preaching against Facebook he needs to be shepherding them and teaching them to live a life that pleases the Father.
Facebook doesn't cause infidelity. Not living a life in search of righteousness with God leads to infidelity.
What's your opinion, will you cancel your Facebook account or will you begin living a life pleasing to Your Father in Heaven?
By the way, anyone what to friend me please do so.